Saturday, October 25, 2008

Working in Education

I really wish I could sleep in on the weekends. My body gets so used to getting up early that I just wake up by 5:40 every day! Ouch.

This week has been pretty good. I gave my students their first real test and it went okay for some and really bad for a samll group. I recently decided that even if I use the pre-made tests at school I will divide them into objective so that I can figure out if the student didn't get it over all or if it is certain concepts that are giving them trouble. It's definitely a lot of work but If I can find the time it will help me know what kinds of assignments to give to each student to make sure that they understand the material before they leave my class at the end of the year. I think it's very idealist to think that I will be able to do all of this but I'm going to try. If nothing else at least I can say that I am attempting to do data driven instruction which is one of the domains of the new teacher evaluations in my district.

I'm trying to just do what is expected but I just can't see how the education system has decided that after all of the time and energy teachers put in to try their best to help kids understand with just basic teaching that it is now my fault if they don't get it. Sometimes it is but sometimes it has more to do with the level of effort of the student. I'll do what I have to do to try to help kids succeed but I get really concerned that if I am constantly the one making sure that the kids understand the material and to pass the test . . . when do children become accountable for themselves and their own learning? When do they try to see what they are having difficulty with and ask for help? And if after all I can do they still don't get it am I to be blamed by the system? Just things that worry me about my job.

Over all my students seem to work better for me this year. I already have some kids who I know hate me (which I really don't mind except for the fact that I wish they'd see it has more to do with them than me) and some kids that love me which I always count as a bonus and don't necessarily expect. I'm starting to be very thankful that the Lord didn't get me a job at a school closer to home like I wanted. I have a reputation at my school and I see new teachers struggling with behavior management more than I do and I know it has more to do with time than talent. I am very grateful that the Lord takes control in my life because my decisions wouldn't always make me happy.


andreamichelle said...

i think it is a noble ambition of yours to try and help the students learn all they can- i don't know whether it will last, i've never been a real teacher, but i have seen many teachers burnt out by the system. BUt that doesnt' mean that you can't find a way to make things work for you. if that makes sense- it makes sense in my head, but once i type it i'm not so sure...:) i would have been really gratful for a teacher who took the time to see what i was struggling at and where i needed the extra help. i hated school- all of it, and still have nightmares about it. Some times i wish i could go back, and do it again, so that maybe i'd get it the second time around... i don't know if i would, but i think i maybe would of. I was the kid that didn't understand things and needed things explained repeatedly...I know it's hard though, for teachers, because they can't make every child suceed, and you can't carry the children along forever, they need to step in at some point. I still think that what you are trying to do is a good thing, i would have appreciated it, i think, as a student....

Tiffany D Joyner said...

Hey girlie now you have the Joyner site! Now we can keep up with each other this way since we live so far apart