Saturday, October 4, 2008

No Chinchillas for Us

After Hurrican Ike I realized that I'm not really into having the chinchillas anymore. We had discussed getting rid of them around the time we would start having kids but after the heat in the apartment proliferated the smell I couldn't take it. I already had someone who wanted them so after today we are no longer pet owners and I am really happy about that.

Conversely I am kind of sad because they are cute and sweet and fun. I just don't want the huge cage and the huge mess anymore. I'm feeling a little guilty for not wanting to deal with them anymore. I'll get over it.

I wrote the above this morning and we took the chinchillas to their new home today. The family seems to be really into pets so I think they will be well loved. Knowing that helps ease the bit of sadness. I'm now just excited for the time I'll have to keep my home cleaner because I don't have to clean out the chinchilla cage weekly anymore! Yeah.

1 comment:

andreamichelle said...

the cleaning part and the smell part would get to me also. I ended up last year giving our cat to my mother in law, and i had the same guilty feeling. However, I was glad at the same time because it meant not having to find my clothes buried in her litter box with "presents" left on top, or worrying about where she was in the apt. and if she was about to jump out and lunge at me or ethan (she was a mean cat to ethan and I- i figured out it was jeolousy).