Friday, March 26, 2010


So I got tagged by Tanya for this but I cheated. It wasn't the first folder with 10 pictures it was the 3rd but the other pictures were lame.

This is 2 of my nieces at my brother's wedding reception a few years back. With 6 previously married siblings there were a lot of kids around enjoying the cousins they don't often see and I just love this picture.

So. . . this is how you play:

1. Open your pictures and open the very first folder.

2. Go to the 10th photo in that folder.

3. Post the photo and write the explanation of it.

4. Tag five more people.

I tag Brandy, Andrea, Bethany, Haley, and Holly (I'm tagging you because I'm pretty sure you read my blog but anyone else who does should do this. I had fun even though I cheated).

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Quick Update

Baby boy continues to grow and I am starting to understand people who get annoyed at the constant movement. He's pretty good but sometimes I get kinda motion sick especially when he goes nuts right after I eat. Yuck. We are so blessed to have our little boy in our lives and are super excited to meet him in 3 months.

Dave has secured a long term subbing position at the school where I work. It has its ups and downs. As much as I know he is frustrated with the kinds of kids we deal with each day I know they are blessed to have him. He is also blessed for working hard with kids who need an influence like him. We're not sure if this will last until the end of the year or if the art teacher will come back but we're hoping that either way this job will get him an "in" with the district. He's been told there will be some openings in Spring High School next year and think that may be a good fit . . . mostly we are just hoping that by having an "in" that we will know sooner if he has a job next year and I can quit and we can buy a house.

Thanks for keeping up with us and we appreciate everyone who is loving and supporting us and keeping tabs on how we're doing.