Sunday, October 19, 2008

Afternoon Naps & Babies

So I used to love my afternoon naps. Not so much anymore. I really like taking them and my sweet husband is kind enough to let me sleep but I sleep a little too long. Then my going to sleep Sunday night is restless. I seem to do fine on Mondays so the lack of sleep at night isn't causing too much of an issue but I wish I could get over my desire/need for Sunday afternoon naps.

Dave and I hung out with a friend in our ward this weekend. She has a newborn and a little girl and we had such a blast. Her daughter is SO cute! She calls me Miss Jill and my husband Mr. Dave which is too cute! Both Dave and I got chances to rock the baby to sleep. It was awesome and we're just in love with babies. We're looking forward to when it's our turn to have our own. We know it's not all sunshine and roses but we'll take it when it comes. For now we're doing okay with our Sunday afternoon naps.

1 comment:

andreamichelle said...

Babies do bring a lot of happiness into a home, it makes up for the not so fun parts. I walways want to take a nap, but somehow i just don't end up doing it. I understand about sleeping too long also,I've done that too many times, if Ethan doesn't wake me up first. I will wake up all groggy and out of it from sleeping too long.