Friday, October 17, 2008

Thanks Mom

Interesting week. Open house went well and as much as I don't really like talking to parents (I really don't know what to say especially if their kid is a good kid) it was nice to meet parents. Some of the conferences were very insightful. One parent was very down on her child and it helped me understand why he is often so negative. He also has a very tough background and I am finding that I have a lot of kids this year with difficult backgrounds. I do every year but every year it breaks my heart to hear the new stories. It makes me very grateful for what I have and for the fact that, even though my upbringing wasn't what it should have been, it wasn't bad. No death, no abuse, no one had to take me from my home and I am more appreciative than I can say.

Thanks, Mom. You gave me all the best!


mindy said...

perspective. I love you, Jilly. You're the best!

andreamichelle said...

i feel sorry for children who have sad home lives.