Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bubble Time Warp

So I found this show on the Discovery channel this morning. They use high speed cameras to show things at an ultra slowed down pace and you can see the detail of what happens to things that happen at a fast rate. I.E. Bubble popping. The first is a quick clip and the second is the actual segment.

This one is mostly for my sibs. It's the dry ice bomb segment. Check out the end where they totally destroy a water tank with dry ice bombs under water.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Dave working on the entertainment center he's building for us.
Teasing the cat on Christmas morning.

Dave's dad, Gary, is pretty goofy.

We played some Guitar Hero demos on Dave's X-box before watching a movie on Christmas night.

Benjamin enjoyed sitting on grandma's lap and putting her Settlers of Catan peices in the play band-aid box.

Here's Dave showing Benjamin how to hold a baby nicely.

Benjamin holding the baby. He was really into getting his picture taken. I feel bad that we don't have pictures of Gabe but BenBen kept posing.

Me playing the piano with Ben.

Dave and I were very blessed this Christmas. I think I have everything I need now to start making our bedspread . . . when the sewing machine arrives at the end of the month. Sigh . . . I'm just glad to be getting one. Thanks mom! Dave's mom and I started working on getting his professional wardrobe established and he also got a sander from his dad too bad he was done with all of his sanding on his furniture project.
I am so grateful for a new year and the opportunity to look at my life and see where I need to improve myself. I am also grateful for my many wonderful friends and family. Happy New Year all!