Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A home for the Figgins

We are officially under contract for a home. It's quite a scary venture but we're excited. As long as the sellers take care of a couple of issues we found in yesterday's inspection we'll close Sept 30th and move the next 2 days! Moving at the beginning of Oct will cut Dave's drive to work in half which will be really nice. Anyway . . . we're stoked. Here's some pictures of the place.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dave's New Job

After lots of cell phone minutes and lots of crying on my part, the Lord came through and David has a job. I learned a lot about faith and I think David and I grew as a couple. I learned to be a little more trusting and let go of control a little.

We found out last Tuesday that David was going to have a job. Both Eisenhower High School and Clark Intermediate called on the same day to tell him they were submitting his name to HR and wanted to hire him. He at first was going to take the first person to get him a contract but when Eisenhower called the next day saying they wanted him to start meetings the next day and he could sign something then he just didn't feel good about it. He and I talked it over and I told him to call and talk with the district Fine Arts chair (he'd been talking with him over the past few months about getting a job). He had a good chat and they had him sign a letter of intent securing his position with the district. It was such a relief.

It's taken until today for them to finish his background check and get the paperwork in order (they're swamped and have a new person in HR training) but he signs his contract tonight and I will send out my resignation when he does. I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom and now I will get to. Funny how the thing you want can sometimes be the most scary . . . we'll be fine but I need to start figuring out a cleaning schedule so I can do a better job of keeping house and making dinners. I'll have to grocery shop when Dave gets home until it cools down here because my car's AC sucks if it's over 90 as it always is here. I am just excited to be a homemaker and to raise Elijah. He lights up our lives.

Now it's on to house buying, we're almost ready to make an offer and that will start a new chapter in our lives as real home owning adults!

Elijah Update: I just had to share this picture of Eli. He's such a sweet boy and at this point he rolls over nearly every time I put him on his tummy. So strong! He's also putting his fist in his mouth (some days more adeptly than others) and grabbing his elephant toy on the bouncer. He no longer grabs and shakes his rattle as well as he used to but I think he's just bored with that now.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sad face

Last night I was trying to help Elijah finish waking up from his nap. So I took his binky and continued doing whatever I was doing. I looked back and he was looking at me with big eyes and his typical sad face, which happens to be the cutest sad face I've ever seen. I happened to catch it on film finally. So here is Eli's sad face.

Isn't that great!