Monday, January 10, 2011


So I've been a little out of sorts lately and not really in the mood to write but I need to do a little journaling so here it goes.

Last night and today Elijah is really starting to work on crawling. He doesn't get onto his knees from his tummy yet and he's only crawled a foot or 2 twice today so we'll see how long it takes him to get proficient.

Elijah loves solid food and I am working on getting him on 3 solid feedings a day. He would eat until he threw up if I let him. He now has 2 teeth and loves to feed himself cheerios so I think I may start working on other finger foods.

Elijah is a very happy baby unless he's sick and unfortunately he has been sick quite frequently lately. He had some throat thing that put him on antibiotics before Thanksgiving. Then he got a nasty cold. When the cold subsided he was a fuss bucket again and we took him in and found a double ear infection. A week after he stopped antibiotics for that I took him in after a sleepless night and he is now on antibiotic 3 for a sinus infection. I am really hoping that this is the end of that for a while.

Other than that life around here is good. We had a nice Christmas (but forgot to bring the camera to the in-laws to take pictures so I'll post pics when I get them) and Dave's grandma came the week after and we enjoyed getting to know her better. We also had a fine New Year and we're looking forward to the summer break (but not the heat).

Just realized that I needed to mention that Elijah has been sitting on his own since the Wednesday after Thanksgiving.