Monday, November 14, 2011

The green eyed monster

I have a big problem . . . I am envious of others who have things I want.  To me there is nothing worse than watching someone get exactly what I want, especially if they don't really want it in the first place.  I know that the Lord is in control and will give me things at the "right" time but it still sucks right now.  I hate giving up control SO MUCH! 

That's all.  Hopefully with that out I can move on and find other things to focus on.  Sigh.


Shasta said...

I DEFINITLY have envy ...then I look at my bank account and go...whelp not going to get that. Anytime soon!

andreamichelle said...

I know what you mean. For me it is hard to see people easily get things that I have to work so hard for, and might never have.