Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gary Randall

Just over 2 weeks ago a dear family friend named Gary Randall died.  I want to pay tribute to him a bit and just mention what he meant to me.  Gary was the only home teacher that I really remember from my childhood.  He came each month and although there was a time when he served in a Spanish Branch in our area he was still a constant in my life.  When my parents got divorced and my dad proceeded to leave our church Gary was the one who filled in where there was a void.  I don't know that he was ever asked to or if he just saw the void and did what he could to fill it.  Between he and my brothers I think that, all things considered, I didn't miss out on as much as I would have otherwise.  Even though there was not always a priesthood holder in my home I knew there was one 5 minutes away who would come when ever he was asked.  After I had a bad car accident he was there to give me a blessing of comfort and a chocolate bunny to ease my pain.  I was lucky enough to have him seal my husband and I for time and all eternity and that will always be something that is a tender mercy for me.  My dad wasn't worthy of being there but Gary was.

He will always be special to me.  A second father or sorts or at least a grandpa to me and I will miss his positive influence in my life.  I will be eternally grateful for his love and kindness and how he helped me grow into the person I am today.  I will try to be a better visiting teacher to honor him and his memory.  Thank you Gary.  You made a little girl/young woman's life brighter and happier because you were in it.  I love you!


Kirst said...

That is so sweet Jilly! I am sorry for your loss, but what a beautiful blessing he was in your life. So special that he was able to seal you guys. That is so neat you had such a faithful example of a man who took the preisthood seriously and looked for ways to help. That is so neat he helped to fill the void when your dad left. I am thankful there were a few men who did the same for our family. Sure love ya Jilly!

andreamichelle said...

He sounds like he was a wonderful man.