Monday, November 24, 2008

Missing the Cold

I am missing the cold weather this week. We've had a few days of cold mornings and I love being able to put a jacket and a scarf on to head to work. I sometimes even needed gloves. Yesterday I had to turn the AC back on and it was SO depressing. I just miss cold weather. People think I'm crazy but I grew up around people who were happy with what we had and that was snow. Consequently I love snow. It's so sad not to have that to look forward to. I just look forward to the cold weather and snuggling with my husband. Sigh . . . . Happy Thanksgiving all! If you have snow for Thanksgiving be grateful! Some of us don't have that blessing.

1 comment:

andreamichelle said...

we had snow back in october, but I don't know if we are going to get it for thanksgiving. I like the snow, i just don't like how long winter lasts. if winters were done by march it wouldn't be so bad. last years winter was sooooooo long it was miserable.