Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Incident

So a few weeks ago we went out to dinner with Dave's dad.  When we got home Elijah was running around like a maniac (as usual) and fell and hit his forehead on the windowsill.  He was such a good boy when it happened.  He cried for a few minutes and within 30 minutes he was back to his old self despite the horrible looking head.  The progression of the injury went like this.  
This is the day after, a Sunday.  You can see the nice blue line which appeared instantly after he hit.

This is the following Wednesday, the day after Valentine's Day.  The bleeding into the eye sockets had started the day before.

These two are the same day but I can't decide which shows the bruising better.  I think I took these the day after the toothbrush picture.
The above picture shows the eyes at what I think was their worst.  It may have gotten a little worse but not by much.  It's now two and a half weeks later and he is pretty much back to normal.  He still looks a little black eyed and there's a bit of bruising on his forehead that is visible but it's nice to be able to look at my son and not wince at the sight of him.

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