Sunday, November 1, 2009

Planning for the future

So for those who want details we found out we were pregnant at the very end of September. We were waiting until we saw a heartbeat to make things public and that happened the day before my last blog (Oct 22nd I think). It was a very neat experience. We were looking at our monitor seeing nothing . . . then they fixed it and we saw our little bean looking baby and a little section that was moving. It was really cool to say the least. David was picture perfect leaning over me holding my hand. I always thought it was cheesy what people said about seeing their baby for the first time but it was a special experience. I am anticipating feeling more like myself again in a little over a month when I finish the 1st trimester. I really hope the food sensitivity and overall sensitivity to everything will pass because it is not fun, although if it's what has to happen for us to have a happy healthy baby then I will survive because I couldn't be more thrilled.

I started back at work in mid August and I'm currently staring down my last year teaching here. I love where I'm at much of the time but I am glad to know that I will be moving on at the end of the year. I'm suddenly having mandates put on me and I just don't have the energy to do everything that's being required of me. It is straining my emotions and I don't have any time to myself which I hate. I really wish I could do what is asked and not worry about it but I just can't. It's too much. I hope I can figure out what to do soon.

Dave started his student teaching this fall. He has started the assignment working in an area high school and he loved it and they loved him there and want to hire him. He's finishing at an area elementary school and he's loving it there too and they want to hire him there as well. He's also taking an online Spanish class which he seems to be doing very well at. Next semester he'll take his final Spanish class and he'll sub or find some other job while he's finishing.

It's exciting to be coming up on a time of change in our lives. He'll graduate right before our baby is born. We're hoping to be able to move out of state to a climate that better agrees with me (I'm stuck indoors here for half of the year because it's too hot outside) but we've decided that we'll look at one other location and then just look inside Texas for now. I'm just excited to know what I'll be doing next year! Thank you all for your well wishes and encouragement. We are thrilled as can be.


andreamichelle said...

I'm so happy for you. It's nice to know what is going on in your life and not be in limbo so much. Things can still change, but to have a general idea of how things will go is such a wonderful feeling.

Unknown said...

That makes me sad that you want to move :o(. Are you still teaching at the same school this year? How is everything going?

Tiffany D Joyner said...

Ok so let me know when the baby shower is! :)

Kelsey said...

So, this has nothing to do with your post - sorry. I just think it's funny that Brent and I almost chose the same background for our blog last night. Great minds!