Sunday, March 7, 2010

Quick Update

Baby boy continues to grow and I am starting to understand people who get annoyed at the constant movement. He's pretty good but sometimes I get kinda motion sick especially when he goes nuts right after I eat. Yuck. We are so blessed to have our little boy in our lives and are super excited to meet him in 3 months.

Dave has secured a long term subbing position at the school where I work. It has its ups and downs. As much as I know he is frustrated with the kinds of kids we deal with each day I know they are blessed to have him. He is also blessed for working hard with kids who need an influence like him. We're not sure if this will last until the end of the year or if the art teacher will come back but we're hoping that either way this job will get him an "in" with the district. He's been told there will be some openings in Spring High School next year and think that may be a good fit . . . mostly we are just hoping that by having an "in" that we will know sooner if he has a job next year and I can quit and we can buy a house.

Thanks for keeping up with us and we appreciate everyone who is loving and supporting us and keeping tabs on how we're doing.


Matt and Haley said...

So excited for the update! How fun that Dave is working with you right now. How are you guys coming on picking a name?

Diana said...

Sounds like you guys are having lots of fun and new experiences "bringing up baby." We are excited for you and now you know it's a can start thinking of names! Is your mom going to come out when baby is born?
Love ya.

Tanya said...

Wow you guys are really getting close to a life changing event. I hope things go well for Dave and securing a position. See you soon--really, I will!!