Thursday, October 9, 2008

Open House

Who knew life got more stressful after you left college?!?! We have open house at school on Monday and our principal has a lot of really great ideas to make it an effective use of time for all involved. We are going to have tables for each family of teachers that we'll decorate (which I'm helping out on). We'll meet with most parents there but we are also scheduling conferences with parents of our difficult students. It'll be really nice because we can knock them all out in one day (the conferences not the parents) where it would normally take a week or more to find time before or after school to meet.

Back to the tables . . . at the tables each family of teachers had to make a newsletter giving information on what is going on in each core class. We'll hand them out to parents with their student's report card. I finally finished it today (late) after trying hard to work with a computer illiterate co-worker and scrambling to remind teachers to submit SOMETHING to the newsletter then finally telling the co-worker I just needed to finish it myself.

We (and by we I mean I) also needed to make business cards to hand out to parents with the newsletter so they have our email addresses to contact us. Notice a running theme here? That would be me doing all of these things. I really enjoy doing things to help out and serve others but I'm pretty sure I'm one of about 2 people in a group of 7 teachers who is working at this. We're all busy and I'm behind on lesson plans and grading but am still working to get it done. Sometimes I feel like people don't understand that busy or not it has to get done so just do it. Because I see the world that way I end up doing a lot of work that ought to be delegated more evenly. It's usually things I enjoy but it stresses me out because I don't have as much down time (and actual time) as I need.

Sigh . . . this blog is a lot of complaining and I'm not saying I'm super man here but I'd really be a lot happier if people would A-pitch in and help get the necessary things done and B-learn to use a stinkin' microsoft publisher template so that I didn't have to feel obligated to volunteer because I'm the only one with the skills to get it done!

All done . . . the next blog will be happy I swear.

P.S. I am in love with (my husband and) not having chinchillas anymore. No more poop kickin'!


andreamichelle said...

i like your post, i think that it is good to have an outlet where you can vent at times. I feel bad for you that you have to do so much with not much time and help. You're school is so organized sounding, though, so i think that's good. Too bad more people don't help out. I hope it all goes well for you, I'm sure you will do great. :)

Holly said...

I kinda know how you feel, except it's with my calling that I feel like I do a lot of work and others are sitting around twirling their thumbs! Oh well...such is life right? It's nice to be able to catch up with you on your blog!!

brandya said...

Blogging is the perfect place to vent! I think that is why I do it!! As a fellow teacher, we are in the same boat! Actually, if we were in the same boat we would both be paddling and it would be easier!! :) I know your newsletter is amazing because, well, you are amazing! I'm sorry things are so stressful for you. I love you very much!!