Sunday, May 17, 2009


So my stressors are mostly done for the school year. TAKS is over, Doug and Hallie had a lovely wedding (and I survived taking the day off) and we had a fairly successful field trip. Life is good. I was also released from my calling teaching the same age group as I teach at school. I couldn't take basically adding a 6th day to my work week. I got a new calling doing more administrative and planning type stuff for cub scouts which will be better for me. I need to learn the program better and I need to get better in leadership/facilitation roles.

Even though Doug and Hallie's wedding was a little stressful for me I definitely enjoyed it and enjoyed meeting some of Dave's family that came into town for the wedding. I got to meet some family that I hadn't previously met and got to hang out with his grandparents again which I enjoyed. We even took Grandpa Figgins to an Astros game.

I rearranged my end of the school lesson plans after realizing that the project I wanted my students to get done wasn't practical. It is too close to the end of the school year and I don't need to try and test the last week of school. I'm now feeling better about my ability to keep the kids busy until the end and I still have time to show Fern Gully while I clean up my classroom.

The good news is I'm also stressing less about trying to concieve (TTC). I want it to happen but I'm realizing that I can still make other decisions and I'm feeling less tied to the outcome. I was basing too much on whether we got pregnant now and I should enjoy the fact that we have some room in our decision making that we wouldn't have with pregnancy right now. It took me 7 weeks to cycle after going off of the pill and I think the Lord needed to remind me that He was still in control. Point taken. It's also inspired Dave and I to spend more time at the temple which we've needed for a while so that's good.

Dave is really enjoying the chance to have some time off before summer term starts. He is loving the painting skills he acquired this last term and most of the time when I call home from school he is either working on his current painting or getting ready to start. He'll be really happy to finish up school soon and be able to put that part of his life behind him.

Most of all we're looking forward to a relaxing summer. I'm applying for jobs and trying to find something low key to bring in a little extra money but might also allow me the flexibilty to travel this summer after Dave finishes his only summer class 1st term. If I don't find something I'll keep looking but it will be nice to have time to do some deep cleaning and sorting. Our apartment definitely needs it because I have been too busy the past month to think much about it.

Wow this is a pretty boring post but I need to remember I started a blog for journaling not just to entertain folks. Oh and we also got to go bowling for a good friend of our's birthday. Here are some pics.